Ahhhhh Back to Work

Thursday, March 5, 2015

   Today was the first day in 7 1/2 months that I took my 3 children to daycare and went to work.  That's right folks!  Went to work!  So bittersweet.  Don't get me wrong, I am soooo glad to be working again but getting back in the morning work grove is going to take some time.  I tried to have everything ready last night.  Everyone had their clothes picked out, papers filled out, bathes and I washed my hair! Yep, that happened too!
Then I overslept by 30 min….
That might not seem like a lot to ya'll, but boy is it a looooong time!  I am STILL getting up 2-3 times with an 11 month old that thinks he needs to eat all night and shit at 4:30am!  Did I forget to mention that I didn't make the bottles for the next day or even wash the bottles??!!??  Hmmm… Guess I wasn't as prepared as I thought.

   Now lets get to the dropping them off part.  Keep in mind that the baby only went to daycare from 6weeks old to 12weeks old.  After that he's been home cuddling and playing with me all day :'(
I had already woke up pretty emotional just the though of leaving them.  We get in the car and actually remembered everything!!  Not a total failure lol.  We drop the baby off 1st, he is 26+ lbs and carrying him around gets exhausting.  Hand him over to the teacher and he pokes that little lip out!!!!!! *don't cry, don't cry, don't look*  I finally look at him and he's better even though he has a confused look on his face.  I wonder what he thinks is happening.  Does he think we aren't coming back from him?  I know that I better get out of there before I really do start to cry.

   It's so weird because I wasn't like that with my older two when I dropped them off.  But they did go to daycare from 6weeks to until 7 months ago and Carson is the only one I stayed home with.  I never thought that I would actually like staying home for that long but I did enjoy it while it lasted.  Not that I want to stay home until they move out! LOL


  1. I commented but don't think it went through so I was saying haha I used to work outside the home and then lost my job now I work from home doing what I love and I wouldn't change a thing not even with a 17 year old and 6 year old who fight like their a year apart instead of 12. Sometimes I do wish I had a job to escape to but then I think about the times I had to work outside the home and all the things I missed.

  2. I've always worked until last year. I liked staying at home and spending time with my kids but I also missed being in the workforce. Luckily, everything still balances out for me


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